A Hannibal Lecter Smile
Creepy Armour salesman guy would positively love to sell you some of his sausages, just don't ask what they're made of... really. With that Hannibal Lecter smile would you buy processed meats off of this guy? Apparently this was a 1917 version of an award winning smile but nowadays it's a "You're going to the funny farm smile". From the look of the ad Armour used to be into salting, curing or canning anything they could get their hands on. Not surprising really, it's 1917 and refrigeration was just getting off of the ground. Everyone still used iceboxes and foods had to be preserved in a non-refrigeration manner. Of course this also involved the copious use of salt in preservation which meant the average person consumed roughly 5x the present day RDA of sodium. Oddly enough though, for sodium being the great bugaboo of heart attacks that the FDA says it is, I rather think people back then had them less often than is currently the case.
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1) Armour and Company - Wikipedia
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