
Antonio y Cleopatra Cigars

In the wide wide world of drugstore cigars Antonio y Cleopatra is unquestionably one of the better ones available.  Yes it's a machine made cigar but with a pedigree stretching back to the founding of the company in 1879.  Originally handmade in Cuba they were forced to move like so many other cigar makers after Castro's nationalization of the cigar industry.  Today they are made in Cayay, Puerto Rico and still are a great value in the wilds of the brands available in drugstores.  Certainly easier to find than cheap avo cigars.

 This ad is a little outside what I normally consider using for the blog, dating as it does from 1965 however I step outside the box sometimes such as the article I did for the utterly ridiculous Bacchus Cologne Ad that can be found here. I assume the lock and chain were to keep dad from breaking into the box before Christmas Day but personally I think I would only smoke these cigars in the event of a zombie invasion.

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