Vegan at Starbucks
Yummy Vegan Drinks-Coffee Shops
Dairy-free, Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Guilt-free!
There is no doubt about it, i love a good Coffee or Hot chocolate. But now i have turned vegan, my diet had to change! All of my milky, creamy...well lets face it, delightful drinks have had to go:( *bye bye*

There is no doubt about it, i love a good Coffee or Hot chocolate. But now i have turned vegan, my diet had to change! All of my milky, creamy...well lets face it, delightful drinks have had to go:( *bye bye*
But i have found, there is a lot of places that have taken dietary needs into consideration.
For example- Starbucks.
Starbucks Coffee is an American Global Coffee company and Coffee house.
I am a huge Starbucks fan! Lattes, Frappuchino's, Mochas, i want them all :P but can't, so.. i did a little research before heading into my local coffee shop on my first mission of being Vegan.
Here is what i found-
Starbucks, as many of you know, have a very good variety of drinks, but what i didn't know is that most of their drinks can be made with Soy milk! Not only is that awesome, but they taste super yummy! For my first Soy Starbucks, i couldn't tell that it was soy, it was frothy, and milky without using milk and was flavourful. Another great thing is that you can have you're drink Sugar-free! Starbucks use 3 flavoured Sugar-free syrups-
-Hazelnut(which is my personal favourite).
I normally order a Grande Soy Latte with sugar-free Hazelnut syrup and I'm all set! but i do add a dash of cinnamon as i am trying to cling on to christmas :P
In the spring/summer i like to get a Sugar-free Caramel Frappuchino Light with Soya milk, this is not only Vegan, but is a lot less sugar than your Regular Frappuchino drink!
How to order Vegan-
- Remember when ordering, ask for Soy milk! All Starbucks should stock it but its worth asking before hand if they have it in, and remember they can change milk to Soy without an additional cost. *thumbs up*
- Make sure you ask to leave out any added ingredients like Whipped cream, Java chips, Chocolate drizzle as they contain milk.
- Mostly, all Starbucks drinks CAN be made Vegan, but there are a few that can't, so you should avoid- Pumpkin spice, White mocha, Caramel brûlèe.
Here is a list of ingredients that contain Dairy-
-Jaca Chips
-Whipped cream
-Caramel drizzle( the Caramel Syrup is Vegan friendly)
-Caramel & Hazelnut Macchiatos contain dairy in the Syrups
Starbucks have a good range of different Vegan drink Options-
-Soy Mocha Frappuchino
-GreenTea Frappuchino- WITHOUT cream
-Black Americano
-Peppermint Soy Latte
-Soy Gingerbread Latte
-Tea Lattes
-Soy Strawberries & Cream Frappuchino
-Soy Coffee Frappuchino
-Soy Càfe Latte
-Decafe Pike Place Roast
- Caffe Latte with Soy Milk without Whipped Cream
-Cappuccino with Soy Milk without Whipped Cream
-Soy Hot Chocolate
-Decafe Pike Place Roast
- Caffe Latte with Soy Milk without Whipped Cream
-Cappuccino with Soy Milk without Whipped Cream
-Soy Hot Chocolate
-Apple & Orange Juices
-Iced Càfe Americano
-Taza Tea
Steamed Soy Milk- with or without Syrup
-Mocha with Soy
-Iced Càfe Americano
-Taza Tea
Steamed Soy Milk- with or without Syrup
-Mocha with Soy
-Lime & Very Berry Refreshers
Frappuchino's CAN be made Vegan, just ask for Soy instead of milk :)
Starbucks also offer some great Vegan food-
- Dried Fruit
- Mixed nut packets
- SeaSalt Potato Chips
- Cider Vinegar Potato Chips
- Granola Bars
- Very Berry Compote
- Fresh Fruit Salad
- Fruit salad pot
- Plain Oatmeal(with soy milk)
- Plain & Multigrain Bagel
- Bananas
- Kind Bars
- After Coffee mints
- Lollipops
- Fairtrade Chocolate Bar(Dark)
I feel like i need a Coffee after writing about this!
What i really like about Starbucks is that you can see your drink being made. I always have a little peek and make sure they get my order right :P
So next time you go in to Starbucks, try out a Soy option, because you won't notice a different & you WON'T be disappointed!! :)
I hope this helps anyone struggling with choices of Vegan drinks and food on the go.
Please comment if you have any questions , ill be happy to answer and hopefully advise you :)
Make sure to follow me so you dont miss out on my latest yummy posts and advice!
Holly Jade
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