
My handmade Social Media Icons

Hello everyone!

This is the very first post on my blog, and I’m so excited about this new beginning in my life!

As I was trying to make a blog that would actually represent me, I got stuck searching for some social media icons to match my style. Guess I'm a bit picky. Also had a hard time with that “back-to-top” button.

So, I had no choice, but to create my own!

I took a handmade watercolor booklet – gift from my amazing art teacher – and started drawing my icons with a pencil. No measurements, no proportions kept, just free sketching. 
When I was satisfied with my sketches, I took my Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour Sketchers Pocket Box 12 Half Pans, and colored the icons with a mixture of Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Umber, with some touches of Yellow Ochre. 
Then I took pictures of the icons, cropped them to a round shape, resized them and voila! They may not be perfect, but they are mine and I’m so happy about that.

If you like them too, feel free to use them and please send me your web address, so I can have a look.

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