Santa's Red Phone
I had this “After Eight” chocolate tin box for ages. Such a beautiful piece, but could never decide what to do with it.
One day the idea hit me. It was almost Christmas and I started thinking that Santa must have some kind of telephone appliance at home. I could never imagine him talking on a cell phone or a wireless one. Some things have to be classic and vintage, otherwise they lose their charm.
So there it is!
To assemble it, I used some parts from an old appliance I had bought from a thrift store. Some other parts, I created them with polymer clay.
I painted the phone with Americana Decor Chalky Finish “Romance” and Media Fluid Acrylics “Titan Buff”.
In order to make certain parts look like they are made of brass, I used a combination of Americana Decor Metallics “Tin”, Decoart Dazzling Metallics “Bright Brass” and Decoart Traditions “Raw Umber”.
For the rust effect, I used a mixture of Media Antiquing Creams “Carbon Black” και “English Red Oxide” and a wash of Traditions “Quinacridone Gold”.
I sealed the whole assemblage with Americana Decor Ultra-Matte Varnish.
The kids are in love with it!
Thank you for visiting my blog!
Until next time,
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