Catsup or Ketchup?
When I was a kid growing up I remember that Heinz was the only "Ketchup" and everything else was "Catsup". You have to laugh just saying the word catsup, as it sounds like something a sick cat would produce. Since my grandparents were
This Snider's ad comes from 1923 when catsup was still king. Now I'm not really sure what the dinner is, it has a resemblance to spam but that wasn't invented until the 30's. Regardless, I'll go along with the notion that it tastes better with catsup. What I find interesting is the label on the bottle in the bottom corner. The arc label states "Pure and wholesome. We do not use artificial color or chemical preservatives". I find it interesting that even in the early 20's this was a selling point, going to prove that sometimes there is nothing new under the sun. Indeed we are assaulted with even more chemicals and preservatives today than ever before.
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