Junk food is okay in Moderation
I have to say....i do love a bit of Junk food now and again! You can't pull me away from my Booja Booja Ice-cream :) *drools*
A few years ago, i didn't Know my limits with Unhealthy food. I wasn't feeling too good (mentally & Physically) , so i comfort Ate. I felt Sluggish, bored and tired. No energy what so ever! Waking up in a Morning was awful because i had no energy!
Changing a snack from (lets say) a Chocolate bar to an Apple seems like a boring option, but it actually can be made sweet and delicious!
Sweet Cinnamon Apple-
Slice a Apple into Chunks and Sprinkle some Cinnamon over....easy, delightful, and its really good for you!
Even the little changes can make you feel 100% better in yourself, and it does make your appearance better too!
I was so unhappy with my Weight i would just eat rubbish food because i didn't think i could feel any worse than i did, but i just didn't like what i saw....now changing my lifestyle and diet, i feel like a different person! I have had comments saying how good and healthy i am looking and my appearance has changed a lot!
At college i looked Grey/Pale, very washed out and not with it. I would stay up until 5am some nights craving Sugar! My cravings have now gone, but i do crave Almond Milk now which is weird haha!
Cravings and temptations do stop only if you help yourself.
All this post is, is just saying, Junk food ( Chocolate, Cakes , are okay in moderation kept with a Healthy Active Lifestyle! Keep them as a Treat and you will feel like you are in control of your Body!
I have a Twitter if y'all have any questions! :) I'm happy to answer those for you
Twitter- @blogofVegan
Holly x
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